What is Spiritual Coaching & Personal Transformation?

How often have you awoken with great intentions, only to hinder your own progress? Have you experienced moments of indecision, feeling trapped or swayed by others' words? We've all encountered such challenges. But worry not, for you are on the cusp of stepping into the transformative realm of Power Up Your Life, the AAA way: Angels, Archetypes, Astrology (archetypes, based on Caroline Myss certification class).

I'm Lilly White, your guide on an ancient voyage where timeless wisdom converges with modern insights. Did you realize we are each inherently endowed with 12 behavioral patterns known as archetypes, yet many lie dormant within us? Additionally, we each hail from one of four realms. Do you know which realm you belong to? Moreover, the alignment of stars influences us, hinting at our fate, while our actions in response shape our destinies. It's time to delve deeply into angels, archetypes, and astrology to unravel profound revelations about both yourself and the world that surrounds you.

Eager to explore a new dimension of spirituality in Bali with us? The invitation is extended. Whether you choose to journey with us or pursue a different path, remember that I stand ready to support you at Power Up Your Life. Grab your workbook on Angels, Archetypes, Astrology, and let's embark on this voyage together. TO transform ourselves, we must become conscious of who we are and become self-aware. This awareness helps us to merge with our essential nature. We discover and make conscious our unconscious, so we don't unconsciously sabotage our efforts. In transforming our lives, we reclaim our unowned parts, discovering our social, mental, and emotional imprinting.

Transformation frees us from our own internal resistance, from the confines of our self-imposed constraints, enabling us to make radical shifts in the way we live. Over time, it aligns our body, heart, and mind with our deeper spiritual nature, which gives us freedom from old, habituated living. With this freedom, we move closer to our highest self, essence, soul or "god self." We are all God Creators, now let us go Create God.

Archetypes in Business

An understanding of archetypes can also enhance performance in the business world. What is the Fate of your business? What are the most common archetypal influences in business? Archetypes are the patterns of behaviours you have taken on in order to manage your business. This knowledge can give you the edge in these uncertain times. Lilly offers a practical look at patterns of power and how to recognize and understand them through the symbolic language of archetypes.

Phone Mentoring Program

This program consists of three 2-hour conversations via phone or zoom/messenger. You will come to an understanding of your fate vs. your destiny and be better equipped to eliminate inner resistance and self-destructive behaviours.

This work is based on Lilly’s studies with Caroline Myss/Dr. Norm Shealy. You will delve into your astrology chart and archetypes, and once you know who you are and why you choose your sacred contract you will be steps ahead in reading others intuitively. Lilly is a soul catcher and will mirror the soul of who you are back to you.

Fee: $150.00 plus tax for a 2 hour session via Skype, FaceTime, or Phone.

Fee: $400.00 for 6 hour phone session via Skype, FaceTime, or Phone. 

$50.00 for your Workbook and Astrology House cards. Total cost $450.00 

Number of sessions